Britannica Encyclopedia 2010 Free Download Software

Britannica Encyclopedia 2010 Free Download SoftwareBritannica Encyclopedia 2010 Free Download Software

This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2016) () Encyclopedias of various types had been published since antiquity, beginning with the collected works of and the of, the latter having 2493 articles in 37 books. Encyclopedias were published in Europe and China throughout the, such as the of (early 5th century), the Speculum majus ( Great Mirror) of (1250), and Encyclopedia septem tomis distincta ( A Seven-Part Encyclopedia) by (1630). Most early encyclopedias did not include biographies of living people and were written in, although some encyclopedias were translated into English, such as De proprietatibus rerum (On the properties of things) (1240). However, English-composed encyclopedias appeared in the 18th century, beginning with Lexicon technicum, or A Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences by (two volumes, published 1704 and 1710, respectively), which contained articles by such contributors as. Wrote a very popular two-volume in 1728, which went through multiple editions and awakened publishers to the enormous profit potential of encyclopedias.

Although not all encyclopedias succeeded commercially, their elements sometimes inspired future encyclopedias; for example, the failed two-volume A Universal History of Arts and Sciences of (published 1745) grouped its topics into long self-contained treatises, an organization that likely inspired the 'new plan' of the Britannica. The first encyclopedia to include biographies of living people was the 64-volume (published 1732–1759) of, who argued that death alone should not render people notable. Earliest editions (1st–6th, 1768–1824) [ ] First edition, 1771 [ ]. —, at a meeting of the The vivid prose and easy navigation of the first edition led to strong demand for a second. Although this edition has been faulted for its imperfect scholarship, Smellie argued that the Britannica should be given the benefit of the doubt: With regard to errors in general, whether falling under the denomination of mental, typographical or accidental, we are conscious of being able to point out a greater number than any critic whatever. Duke Nukem Glorious Bastard Download.

Men who are acquainted with the innumerable difficulties of attending the execution of a work of such an extensive nature will make proper allowances. To these we appeal, and shall rest satisfied with the judgment they pronounce. After the success of the first edition, a more ambitious was begun in 1776, with the addition of history and biography articles. Smellie declined to be editor, principally because he objected to the addition of biography. Macfarquhar took over the role himself, aided by pharmacist, M.A., who was known as an able writer and willing to work for a very low wage. Macfarquhar and Bell rescued Tytler from the debtors' sanctuary at Holyrood Palace, and employed him for seven years at 17 shillings per week.

Tytler wrote many science and history articles and almost all of the minor articles; by ' estimate, Tytler wrote over three-quarters of the second edition. Compared to the 1st edition, the second had five times as many long articles (150), including 'Scotland' (84 pages), 'Optics' (132 pages), and 'Medicine' (309 pages), which had their own indices. The second edition was published in 181 numbers from 21 June 1777 to 18 September 1784; these numbers were bound into ten volumes dated 1778–1783, having 8,595 pages and 340 plates again engraved. Phoenix Arcade Game For Android. A error caused page 8000 to follow page 7099. Most of the maps of this edition (eighteen of them) are found in a single 195-page article, '. The second edition improved greatly upon the 1st, but is still notable for the large amount of now-archaic information it contained. For example, 'Chemistry' goes into great detail on an obsolete system of what would now be called alchemy, in which earth, air, water and fire are named elements containing various amounts of.

The complete Encyclopaedia Britannica - the world's most trusted reference source, enhanced for your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. “Especially for students, or anyone who values what Britannica has to offer, I found the new Britannica iPad app to be a pleasing, easy way to navigate through a large body of. News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community.

Tytler also describes the architecture of in detail (illustrated with a copperplate engraving) and, following, includes a remarkably precise, beginning with its creation on 23 October 4004 B.C. Free Keygen Serials. And noting that the of 2348 B.C. Lasted for exactly 777 days. The 2nd edition also reports a cure for: He chose a spot of ground on which no plants had been sown, and there he made a hole large and deep enough to admit the patient up to the chin. The interstices of the pit were then carefully filled up with the fresh mould, so that the earth might everywhere come in contact with the patient's body. In this situation the patient suffered to remain till he began to shiver or felt himself uneasy.The patient was then taken out, and, after being wrapped in a linen cloth, was placed upon a mattress, and two hours afterwards his whole body was rubbed with the ointment composed of the leaves of the and hog's lard. Dated 1797 The third edition was published from 1788 to 1797 in 300 weekly numbers (1 shilling apiece); these numbers were collected and sold unbound in 30 parts (10 shilling, sixpence each), and finally in 1797 they were bound in 18 volumes with 14,579 pages and 542 plates, and given title pages dated 1797 for all volumes.