Crossword Forge Key Generator

Crossword Forge Key GeneratorCrossword Forge Key Generator

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From Crossword Forge 7 combines lightning speed and unmatched flexibility to construct eye-catching puzzles with ease. The Crossword Forge puzzle engine (or crossword compiler) has been completely re-written in C++, and now takes advantage of modern computers with multiple processor cores. You will see dramatic speed improvements on any computer - from the smallest Windows netbook to the latest 12 core Mac Pros. This exciting new version of Crossword Forge really takes you to the next level in speed, simplicity, and performance, adding new English variations and four completely new languages to Word Ideas (formerly known as Word Suggester), new settings, and Quick-look previews. Additionally, Crossword Forge 7 preserves all the high-powered features you have come to love and rely on, clearly laying claim to being the best in its field.