Migration Procedures Advice Manual 3 Phase

Migration Procedures Advice Manual 3 Phase

Data Migration Checklist: Planner for Data Migration Data Migration Checklist: The Definitive Guide to Planning Your Next Data Migration Coming up with a data migration c hecklist for your data migration projec t is one of the most challenging tasks, particularly for the uninitiated. To help, I've compiled a list of 'must-do' activities that ​I've found to be essential to successful migrations. It's not a definitive list, you will almost certainly need to add more points but it's a great starting point.​ Please critique it, extend it using the comments below, share it, but above all use it to ensure that you are fully prepared for the challenging road ahead. TIP: Data Quality plays a pivotal role to this checklist so be sure to check out, our sister site with the largest collection of hands-on tutorials, and expert support for Data Quality on the internet. 127 downloads this week Phase 1: Pre-Migration Planning Have you assessed the viability of your migration with a pre-migration impact assessment?

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Most data migration projects go barreling headlong into the main project without considering whether the migration is viable, how long it will take, what technology it will require and what dangers lie ahead. It is advisable to perform a pre-migration impact assessment to verify the cost and likely outcome of the migration.

The later you plan on doing this the greater the risk so score accordingly. Have you based project estimates on guesswork or a more accurate assessment? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, most projects are based on previous project estimates at best or optimistic guesswork at worst. Once again, your pre-migration impact assessment should provide far more accurate analysis of cost and resource requirements so if you have tight deadlines, a complex migration and limited resources make sure you perform a migration impact assessment asap. Have you made the business and IT communities aware of their involvement? It makes perfect sense to inform the relevant data stakeholders and technical teams of their forthcoming commitments before the migration kicks off. It can be very difficult to drag a subject matter expert out of their day job for a 2-3 hours analysis session once a week if their seniors are not onboard, plus by identifying what resources are required in advance you will eliminate the risk of having gaps in your legacy or target skillset.

In addition, there are numerous aspects of the migration that require business sign-off and commitment.Get in front of sponsors and stakeholders well in advance and ensure they understand AND agree to what their involvement will be. Have you formally agreed the security restrictions for your project? I have wonderful memories of one migration where we thought everything was in place so we kicked off the project and then was promptly shut down on the very first day. We had assumed that the security measures we had agreed with the client project manager were sufficient, however we did not reckon on the corporate security team getting in on the action and demanding a far more stringent set of controls that caused 8 weeks of project delay. Don’t make the same mistake, obtain a formal agreement from the relevant security governance teams in advance. Simply putting your head in the sand and hoping you won’t get caught out is unprofessional and highly risky given the recent loss of data in many organisations. Have you identified your key data migration project resources and when they are required?

Don’t start your project hoping that Jobserve.com will magically provision those missing resources you need. I met a company several months ago who decided they did not require a lead data migration analyst because the “project plan was so well defined”. Suffice to say they’re now heading for trouble as the project spins out of control so make sure you understand precisely what roles are required on a data migration. Childish Gambino Ep Album Download Zip here. Also ensure you have a plan for bringing those roles into the project at the right time. For example, there is a tendency to launch a project with a full contingent of developers armed with tools and raring to go. This is both costly and unnecessary. A small bunch of data migration, data quality and business analysts can perform the bulk of the migration discovery and mapping well before the developers get involved, often creating a far more successful migration.

So the lesson is to understand the key migration activities and dependencies then plan to have the right resources available when required. Have you determined the optimal project delivery structure? Data migrations do not suit a waterfall approach yet the vast majority of data migration plans I have witnessed nearly always resemble a classic waterfall design. Agile, iterative project planning with highly focused delivery drops are far more effective so ensure that your overall plan is flexible enough to cope with the likely change events that will occur.