Reno Police Department Ride Along Program Orange

Reno Police Department Ride Along Program Orange County CaReno Police Department Ride Along Program Orange County

A dozen officers carrying rifles were at the house in an upscale neighborhood near the state line with California on Monday afternoon. They closed a two-block stretch around the house in a neighborhood that has a community clubhouse with a tennis court and a billiard room. Three SWAT team trucks and a bomb squad truck accompanied police. County assessor records say the house is owned by Stephen Craig Paddock, identified as the man who killed 59 people and injured hundreds at a country music concert. Next-door neighbor Dee McKay said she last saw Paddock in June after he moved to Mesquite, Nevada, where Paddock also owns a home. She says Paddock said he was a professional gambler and that the home's garage had a safe the size of a refrigerator.

___ 4:05 p.m. Concertgoer Anna Kupchyan says a man she only knows as Zach helped save her and about nine other people from being shot in Las Vegas by shepherding them into an outdoor trailer that served as a bathroom with various stalls. Kupchyan had traveled from Los Angeles for the concert and was with fans desperately trying to find a way out of the venue when the man told them to get inside. She said Monday that those inside the trailer heard the shooter fire one round after another and stop occasionally, apparently to reload or switch guns. A man outside the trailer later ordered them out and told them to flee.

Oct 20, 2007. The strategies and program examples for each month in the calen. Gives Boston police officers information on who is on probation and what conditions each person is required to obey. Patrol officers can then extend the reach and. Ing in filth and poverty, along with evidence of domestic violence, sub. Jun 21, 2016. Publication by Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services for an online report on the State of Policing 2016. Reviews a seminal year in the history of American law enforcement. We expect this to be the. These included a ride-along program, an intern program, educational.

She says she saw bodies sprawled outside, including a man who had been shot in the head. She got into a taxi with a friend and met two women who let them stay in their hotel room until the danger was over. ___ 3:55 p.m. The sister of a suburban Denver police detective says he was among the 527 people injured in the mass shooting at a country music festival in Las Vegas.

Detective Curtis Leoni called his family around 5 a.m. Monday and said he had been shot late Sunday and would survive. The Englewood, Colorado, officer's sister said her brother was at the concert on his own time. Leoni's sister spoke anonymously because she is a corrections officer in Colorado and did not want inmates to know about her personal life. Leoni told his sister he did not know when he will be released from the hospital.

___ For complete coverage of the Las Vegas shooting, click here: — ___ 3:45 p.m. People attending the country music concert targeted by the Las Vegas shooter have described scenes of horror as they realized what they first thought were fireworks were actually gunshots.

Jason Sorenson of Newport Beach, California, says he realized something was wrong when musicians left the stage. He ran and says 'we saw people with blood all over their shirts.' Brandon Clack of La Palma, California, said Monday he heard many shots fired and the shooting that 'went on for a long time, like 10 minutes.' Concertgoers fled into casinos and crammed into cars to get away from the shooting. Barbara Magro of Orange County, California, says 'they were getting into people's trucks. I saw one with about 20 people in the back.'

___ 3:40 p.m. Nevada's governor has signed a declaration of emergency for Clark County that directs all state agencies to assist local officials who have responded to the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Brian Sandoval's spokeswoman Mari St. Participant Observation Spradley Ebook Torrents. Martin says the governor also signed a public health disaster declaration Monday that temporarily allows doctors and nurses licensed from other U.S. States to practice in Nevada and help with the emergency response.

Authorities have said Stephen Craig Paddock killed 59 people and wounded hundreds more when he opened fire Sunday on an outdoor country music concert from a 32nd floor hotel tower. Officials have said the victims were taken to five southern Nevada __ 3:35 p.m. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo says several pounds of ammonium nitrate, a material used to make explosives, was found in the car of the man who authorities say killed 59 people and wounded 527 others on Sunday by firing down on a crowd of over 22,000 at an outdoor country music festival. Lombardo also says investigators still want to talk the girlfriend of shooter Stephen Craig Paddock.