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Advertisement According to data analytics company Net Market Share,. This is a first time achievement for the open source operating system. This number does not count Android as Linux. That suggests that more users are flocking to the traditional Linux desktop (or that a lower percentage are using others).

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Does this mean Linux has reached a point where it can replace Windows and Mac OS X for the average user? As a native Windows user who switched to Linux several years ago, I’d say the answer is yes! Let me tell you why. Linux is Easy There’s this misconception Not that many people use Linux. True or false?

Let's face it, there are so many misconceptions about Linux, it's time to start addressing them. Let's debunk a few, one by one. People assume that it’s only for developers, and that people have to use the command line.

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Linux is different, but these days you can get by without knowing what a terminal even is. Most distros come with enough apps to cover the essentials. Adobe Photoshop Cs6 Extended Кряк Скачать there. In some cases, they do a better job than the competition. I find it easier to edit documents, scan files, read PDFs, and edit images out of the box with a Linux computer than Windows. You can do a new or non-technical computer user a favor by If you recently installed Windows 10, you may have experienced a rather cold piece of automation. Contrast this with installing Linux, which is warm and informative - just two of many reasons to choose Linux.

The Desktop is Polished Not just polished. Linux desktop environments have reached a point where they are comparable to their commercial counterparts. Not only that. In some ways, they’re more innovative. Ubuntu has created Unity, which places familiar app icons in a launcher on the side of the screen. Its HUD lets you The new version of Ubuntu–12.04, codename 'Precise Pangolin'– is officially here.

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12.04 improves on Unity's strengths, and addresses some of your old complaints. It's fast, includes new features desktop users will love, and, as always. GNOME has spent the past few years turning a traditional desktop into an Today, GNOME 3 is finally regaining users, and there are less people who go online to voice their hatred for the desktop environment. What happened to make GNOME slowly come back? Then there’s Elementary OS, whose developers Elementary OS Luna is a lot more than Ubuntu with some tweaks and a nice theme. Here's what to expect. You Can Do Anything from a Browser Many of us spend most of our computer time inside a browser.

Web apps make it possible to watch video, edit documents, and file your taxes. At this point, millions of people can get by using only a browser. The success of Chromebooks bears this out. By extension, this increases what you can do from a Linux desktop.

Users can now You've just installed Linux on your PC or laptop, and have added all of the productivity software you need. But now it's time to relax, how can you watch Netflix? Microsoft Office is available online.

Plus there’s Google Docs, Pixlr, and all the apps in the Chrome Web Store. Thanks to the success of the web, it almost doesn’t even matter what software is available for Linux, as long as you can get online. More Software is Available Switching to Linux used to mean giving up the apps you know. While you still have to forego some, the number is steadily shrinking.

You can use Google Chrome to browse the web and Installing Steam on Linux computers is straightforward, and the result is usually the same seamless gaming experience you had on Windows. Open source applications such as Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice is the king of free office suites. It's unlikely to replace Microsoft Office in a business environment, but it's an excellent alternative for casual users. Here's what's new in LibreOffice 5.1., GIMP, Atom, VLC, and InkScape have grown so popular that you probably already use them on Windows, and all also run on Linux. New apps are easier to grab.

Ubuntu PPAs provide software that isn’t available in the Software Center. New formats such as,, and let you In version 16.04, Ubuntu is hoping to strike a balance between having stability and staying up-to-date, with a new way to install apps.

Let's find out how 'snaps' work. This makes life easier for users and developers. The Games Are Coming Gaming is a big reason many Windows users haven’t switched to Linux. While the number of games coming out for Windows remains much higher, Linux has come a long way.